sometimes you can fix something by just being a spy
launch a covert operation
sometimes you can fix something by ordering a probe
a blue ribbon investigation
sometimes you can fix something by just saving the earth
how can we stand all this pollution?
sometimes you can fix something by checking the SCSI i.d.
you might need termination
sometimes you can fix something by just being a bitch
some men need lots of training
sometimes you can fix something by just building a bridge
try to form a coalition
sometimes you can fix something by just drying it out
shorts are caused by condensation
sometimes you can fix something by just starting from the top
get it right with more rehearsing
sometimes you can fix something by just explaining it again
aim for clarification
sometimes you can fix something by just making a switch
try a clever substitution
sometimes you can fix something by believing in ghosts
witchcraft and divination
sometimes you can fix something by just seeing a ghost
that gimmick always worked for Dickens
sometimes you can fix something by just doing the right thing
ethics matter in the long run
sometimes you can fix something by finally seeing the light
but watch out for deathbed conversions
sometimes you can fix something by just dragging your butt
keep 'em waiting, keep 'em wait-in'
sometimes you can fix something by just shaking things up
a total reorganization
sometimes you can fix something by just being strong
some jobs require heavy lifting
sometimes you can fix something by just being thin
like Twiggy or Tony Perkins
sometimes you can fix something by just being fat
like Greenstreet in "The Maltese Falcon"
sometimes you can fix something by just being real
...versus imitation
sometimes you can fix something by just being a fake
invent your qualifications
sometimes you can fix something by just being a quack
you still might have a gift for healing
sometimes you can fix something by just being a fraud
look what that did for P T Barnum
sometimes you can fix something by just playing God
genetic manipulation
sometimes you can fix something by just losing your voice
|that hasn't hurt Bob Dylan
sometimes you can fix something by just being rare
tho you'll wind up in a museum
sometimes you can fix something by just buying a ton
some things are cheaper by the dozen
sometimes you can fix something by just bending the rules
cut 'em some slack, make an exception
sometimes you can fix something by just being there
there's nothing better than good timing
sometimes you can fix something by not being there
an alibi that can't be shaken
sometimes you can fix something by just having some spunk
over-come all tribulations
sometimes you can fix something by just playing on the one and three
how come white folks feel that rhythm?
sometimes you can fix something by just wanting it all
either/or are bad conjunctions
sometimes you can fix something by being right-brained
and good at pattern recognition
sometimes you can fix something by being left-brained
focused linear thinkin'
sometimes you can fix something by just swinging that club
sometimes ya gotta be a caveman
sometimes you can fix something by just being unique
defy categorization
sometimes you can fix something by just blending in
observe all local customs
sometimes you can fix something by just fading away
lose yourself in oblivion