Lyrics |
Sometimes you can fix something by leaving it be
But you never learned that lesson
Sometimes you can fix something with X, Y, and Z
But you're stuck on A, B, and C
Sometimes you can fix something by just saying please
Maybe try to break a smile
Sometimes you can fix something if you just agree
Try to widen your perspective
Sometimes you can fix something by planting a tree
But you threw out all the seeds
Sometimes you can fix something with help from Staci
But you never got her number
Sometimes you can fix something with carrots and peas
Too bad you won't eat your veggies
Sometimes you can fix something by scraping your knees
Learn to let yourself fall down
Sometimes you can fix something with endless pleas
And maybe pizza as incentive
Sometimes you can fix something with a different set of keys
But you can't remember where you left them
Sometimes you can fix something by petting your kitty
But you left the front door open
Sometimes you can fix something if one and one made three
Too bad it's two and thats for certain
Sometimes you can fix something with honey from the bees
You've been stung too many times
Sometimes you can fix something with love from sweet Katie
When is she coming back from Boston?
Sometimes you can fix something with a shot of whiskey
And a double vodka chaser
Sometimes you can fix something if you would just leave
But you never learned how to take a hint
The Story |
Performed/Composed/Arranged/Recorded/etc. by Corey Allen Jenkins over three and a half hours on March 21, 2018 in his living room using Garageband. Lakemore, Ohio.
Equipment used:
Epiphone PR-650-N Acoustic Guitar
Danelectro Shorthorn Electric 12 String Guitar
Vox Teardrop Bass Guitar
Left-Handed Fender Stratocaster Electric Guitar (Set-up for right handed play)
Roland JP-08 Polyphonic Synthesizer
Bally Night Rider Pinball Machine
Drum Loop from Apple Garageband
Audio Technica AT-2050
Electro Harmonix Cock Fight
Electro Harmonix The Clone Theory
Electro Harmonix Memory Boy
Electro Harmonix LPB-1
MXR DynaComp
ProCo Rat
DOD Octoplus
Alesis MultiMix 8
MacBook Pro
A Website | |