Mrs. Irene Elizabeth Butler |
Lyrics |
sometimes you can fix something by just being possessed
by parasitic aliens
sometimes you can fix something by just being attacked
by an interstellar infestation
sometimes you can fix something by having an evil twin
oh...that one
sometimes you can fix something by traveling in time
escape into the 4th dimension
sometimes you can fix something with any of the above
all cheesy Star Trek plot inventions
sometimes you can fix something by just willing it fixed
they really study this at Princeton
sometimes you can fix something by just knowing your roots
my ethnic background is suburban
sometimes you can fix something by just wearing a hat
a derby or a turban
sometimes you can fix something with a better rhyme than that
believe me, I'm trying
sometimes you can fix everything with a smart drummer
tho that's an oxymoron
sometimes you can fix something by just being a spud
the truth about de-evolution
sometimes you can fix something by always landing on your feet
just like Buster Keaton
sometimes you can fix something by just ordering out
Cantonese, Hunan or Schezuan
sometimes you can fix something by just listing your strengths
also too many to mention
sometimes you can fix something by just listing your faults
is that an ego deflating?
sometimes you can fix something with just some flower tops
chamomile or echinacea
sometimes you can fix something by just changing your blood
flush out all those toxins
sometimes you can fix something by just going “boom”
that’s supposed to be an explosion
sometimes you can fix something by just saying “what’s goin’ on?”
stop all this commotion
sometimes you can fix something by saying “excuse me, dear”
“pass the suntan lotion”
sometimes you can fix something by staring off into space
dreams are the mother of creation
sometimes you can fix something by going overseas
but what's the point of Belgium?
sometimes you can fix something by just thinking big
that's a strategy for winning
The Story |
The Artist Formerly Known As "Mom". Prepared piano recorded in her living room.
A Website | |